Love Ruby Lavender Book Review Common Sense Media

It's Ever Great, Coming back Home..

There's a reason the states, the Fans, feel that we're connected, no affair where we from, unlike civilisation, ethics, ages..we're all graduated from there..

..Hogwarts.. even like nosotros were in same class,classmates, no affair which edition we read..

..Cause Harry Potter is not only a'south a Life..

The Boy Who Saved Flourished the Book Industry
It's I of the most of import novels in modern history, Sorry, it'due south The Most Important ONE.
This Review also for those who hate the serial !
Delight bear with me..

Without it, most Book stores & publishers may accept the same fate of Video Stores like Blockbuster LLC, which, despite being super pop in the 90s, closed all the stores by 2013, shutting down forever.

Yes, without this Novel, and with the rapid change in technology, the ease of making e-books and reading it in PCs, Smartphones, Tablets..etc, the publishing and trade of new newspaper books may decrease apace.
It'd be limited for religious or educating books, classics, modest novels. Fifty-fifty those could be just electronic too, and the Books be just like Proficient Ol' Video Tapes.

A Dystopia, right? very gloomy thought to the globe without This novel, The Ane.

Well, in the case you think I'm exaggerate..Let's have,

A Cursory !! History of Literature in the 90s
Well, let'south back to early 90s , where TV is in every business firm, even in every room, Video sets are in that location too, rental video stores everywhere, satellite receivers and cable channels growing fast packed with channels for kids & teenagers, making them attached more & more than into screens, not to mention Video Games, Game boy and Nintendo

Those of this new generation who read are "weirdos" or "nerds" to the rest of their peers.
And for those "few who read", book stores mostly got for them comics and graphic novels, which near of them created early this century.

Classic Novels, they read just for Schools and Classes mostly.
And New Novels that make All-time Seller are the ones made, or will be made, into movies for Julia Roberts, Tom Cruse or any of the 90s Hollywood celebrity, or the ones by Stephen King because ,of course, will exist made into movies too.

Fifty-fifty these new novels didn't live upwards the selling numbers of Tolkien, Charles Dickens, Agatha Christie -what's with the British authors and selling numbers :)?- , also in Russia no more Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, no more Hugo in France, in Egypt no more like Naguib Mahfouz & the keen authors of the 50s to 70s..

No new Big Striking for novels, most of the selling books are those of Speculation about strange & mysterious things in the world or in religion, Dream interpretation , cocking books or celebrities rumors.

While in US & UK, Pinnacle Selling books mostly the Self Assistance ones, or those education Computers Programming and Web Sites -this brand new huge technology jump back then-

No new novels to concenter the new generation of kids and teenagers, There's few Successful Highlights though, like R.L.Stine'south Goosepumbs in 1992 which made a very good success, and translated in many countries including Egypt.

And in Egypt there's besides a very successful projection past respectful Publishing house that made "Pocket Novels" for youth, by vivid Egyptian writers presenting huge diverseness of novels of many genres, Sci-Fi, Activity Thriller, comics, Romance .etc.

There's also "Reading for All", projection past the first lady "Susan Mubarak", reprinting a huge verity of important books and novels from all over the world in very cheap prices.

But all these effort didn't attract "more and more" of new youth readers as intended, information technology only fabricated more and more books for those few who already reads.
The vast numbers of those who don't but read volition increase if there isn't a BIG new attractive Reading Experience to get them into reading, peculiarly with the more than channels, more movies.
Only the BIGGEST Obstacle for them to read came out in 1994, and became a real miracle by 1995..'southward Playstation, The giant Japanese Gaming leap..
Football game, Crash, Pepsi man, even the comics heroes too have their games, and so why reading Superman, Batman's comics when y'all can play them..

~~~~~~ A beat. ~~~~~~

So by 1996, with this growing leap in Gaming, also the Reckoner 3D games getting much improved, Books get replaced bit past scrap by a gaming controls.

So do you think it'southward wise for publishers to publish a volume for new author?

Of course not, information technology may non even comprehend information technology's publishing cost.

So it was very normal when in this twelvemonth, 1996, when Joanne, a 31 years sometime lady from England , handed the manuscript of her offset novel to 12 publishing houses, all of them rejected it...

A manuscript of over 200 pages of a novel, that she had difficult times in her personal and professional life while writing it, and for children??? Seriously is there still any Child left who still read? information technology'due south 1996, the Era of Playstation and Video Games.

Merely then, the Pocket-size "Bloomsbury" agreed to publish it , with 2 advises for her, get-go that she'd go a day task, since it's a niggling hazard of making coin in children's books. - later she received a grant from the Scottish Arts Council to assistance her standing writing.-
Simply the pregnant advice was to alter her pen proper name cause young boys might not want to read a book written by a adult female..
So with her name & her grandmother's "Kathleen" come the 2 initial of her pen name..

J . thou . Rowling

And in 26 June 1997 , with 1,000 copies, 500 of which were distributed to libraries, come out in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, to our World The Greatest..

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

And Bam!! , everything happened so fast..
Before the end of this year the novel was awarded many important literary awards in the Britain.

An American important publisher, Scholastic, won the rights to publish the novel in US, with a huge cheque Rowling would never dreams of.
Just with pocket-size change, 'Philosopher's Rock' to be 'Sorcerer's Stone', equally the American publisher feared 'Philosopher's' may not be that attractive to immature readers..
And Thank you to Harry Potter, now Every young readers worldwide know much more nearly Philosopher's Stone's fable.

In 1998 Book Ii released in Britain , 1999 in US, winning more than literary prizes. And becoming NO.1 Peak Selling Volume in United kingdom , US and many other countries which start to publish the translated first book.

And on 8 July 1999, The First Breaking Record made when Book Three sold 68.000 copies in just 3 days after its release in the United kingdom.. and more copies when information technology released belatedly 1999 in The states..

With the fast growing popularity of Harry Potter amidst readers, more records had been broken..

The three books takeover the Top Spot in all charts of Best Selling Books for weeks & months, and it's even nevertheless in hardcover editions.
This conquer of the Top Spots made some literary magazines & newspapers split up the 'Harry Potter books' selling records from the residuum of the top selling books, splitting the lists into 'Children Books' and 'Adult Books' sections, nether force per unit area from other publishers who were eager to come across their books given higher ranking.

And then it was year 2000 , where everything is almost to modify ... forever..

The Playstation ii is out there, and even college spring in Computer Games..

But even with this much of temptations, thousands of children, teens and parents gathered in the Midnight of 8 July 2000 in United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and The states at the same day in front of stores, not in front of Cinemas every bit usual, not electronic stores every bit Apple stores equally happening theses days, Just it was in forepart of Bookstores, for The First fourth dimension in the Book Stores History, to purchase a re-create of...

Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
And They didn't mind to find out that the volume is over 700 page, it was even for their pleasure, more than double the size of any of the first 3 novels.. double the thriller, double the fun..

Over 3 meg copies sold at that 24-hour interval just in the The states , a New World Record, totally unexpected 1.
Huge story, bigger plot , mysterious and very well written.

And more literate prizes for Rowling... more translated editions to more than 40 linguistic communication.

And a huge budget for the upcoming first movie of the series, which beautifully visualize the magic of the novel past the true-blue producers and the managing director...and it also fabricated some Cinematic Records back then, just that's not our field of study now.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

With the declaration of pushing the publishing date of Book Five to mid. 2003 , and with ii movies out so far, The Hunger for reading Harry Potter kept on..

So, Equally more readers from this generation start to increase , Publishers and Book Stores start to promote for more books for those readers who are hungry for more..
Older Fantasy books , like Lord of the Rings -which was a super successful moving-picture show past so too- Narnia , Golden Compass and many other novels start getting more reprinted editions. And and so Volume Stores prosperity increased as information technology get more and more readers.

More countries welcomed the Harry Potter phenomenon.. The English edition AND the local translated ones , both been sold everywhere worldwide.

Even in Egypt English edition sold at many books stores. And, hopefully, some New Book Stores specialized in English novels and books start to open up in Cairo & Alexandria by 2002-2003..

And in summer 2002, after the Pic wild success, Nahdet Masr publishing firm got the rights and published the Arabic edition.
Although information technology cut some of the lines for length issues, the edition all the same agree the magic of it ..making a very skillful sales.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

The good news is, the literary movement didn't stop there, Harry Potter and Reprinted Classics. No , there's more new books come out for the increasing demand from the readers..

By 2002 ,Life of Pi, Man Booker winner brand very adept sales numbers.

And in April 2003 Dan Brown (previously published iii novels, making good sales) released a novel that made Huge Fuss around and making a new sales records, The Da Vinci Code..
The funny thing that there'due south a reference in this novel that Harry Potter is 'the Second Most Selling Book in History later the Bible', a speculation that happens to be true in less than five years subsequently that.

A month later, May 2003, Khaled Hosseini released his first novel, The Kate Runner which also fabricated a very good records as well. -Don't you concord if there's no Harry Potter earlier, this Afghan-born writer would have a run a risk? He'd exist rejected by 12 publishers like you lot know who :)-

And all that didn't affect the chief reason for this new 'Literal Renaissance'.
All that didn't bear on the Records Breaker to break records ane month later..

On 20 June 2003 volume Five 'Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix' comes out..

X thousands of all ages conquer the Book Stores in UK, US and other countries too at the same day to get The One Volume they've been waiting for at to the lowest degree 2 years. Shipping agents like FedEx made the delivery to many countries to become the book at the same time.

A New world Tape ,five millions copy at the first day only..
For the outset time in France a non french linguistic communication book placed in no.i of the bestselling book....

Some kids got a headache called 'Harry Potter Headache' as they read the whole 850 pages of the book v, the biggest then far, at the same day without resting.

And in Egypt, September the same yr, the Standard arabic edition of book three comes out with unexpected sales records, beginning edition run out of the stores by the first calendar week only, though information technology's nearly the beginning of the School year, and the motion picture of this third book still filming.
ِAnd the toll of information technology get college twenty% in 2 days and still with increasing demand..

More than English books and novels sold in Arab republic of egypt too, along with the Arabic ones, publishing more books for new Egyptian authors and writers along with more of the famous ones, Alaa El Aswany'southward debut Novel 'Yaqubean's Building' making a very skilful selling numbers..
عمارة يعقوبيان by Alaa Al Aswany
And in July 2004 the Arabic edition of Book Four makes a price state of war between book stores and magazines stands.
January 2005 , an abridged translated edition of Book Five make many readers aroused in Egypt , specially that many already read the English language edition earlier, so the publisher release an unabridged one by May.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

And on 21 July 2005, A College Record that breaks all the previously ones

6.ix million re-create of Book Half dozen sold in Usa in its first day only...
A huge volume, it may non exist as the fans' expectations of being full of action , simply information technology get a twist that blow minds nearly one of the nigh interesting characters, Professor Snape. That fabricated many fans and fifty-fifty big authors like Stephen Male monarch and Salman Rushdie talk virtually for months..

With Pre-Concluding Book of Harry Potter is out, it followed by a massive variety of New Novels, New Series, New Authors..
Twilight series, Percy Jackson series, and much more, more Books Sales non but in Usa, UK just worldwide..
More Novels hit the top sales..
A Real Prosperity.

But still Harry Potter is the Records Big Breaker...

At the midnight before 21 June 2007, Everywhere around the Earth, the scene of thousands of people lining in forepart of Book Stores was repeated...even Bigger than whatever time earlier..

A Huge Record for Pre-Orders online reach to One Meg copies by Amazon only, and full sales of 11 millions copies in UK and Us in the first day but.

The book sold at the Aforementioned Mean solar day most in Every Single State..

fifty-fifty in State of israel which made a large religious fuss because the Book Stores opened to receive and sell the book at the releasing 24-hour interval which was their holy Saturday, But it's Harry Potter after all, the globe's well-nigh unusual, unexpected phenomenon and sales records breaker.

And that's slap-up, it was the Miracle of bringing back readers to Volume Stores...

And it's not but Harry Potter...
At present, that 'All was well.' , thousands of topics went online asking 'what to read next'....
Indeed, although there's the due east-books, east-readers..etc, still there's thousands of new books and novels published and sold every year , in every where in the world.

The gaming devices is increasing? yep, But not every bit expected though by the 90s and early 2000s 'remember Nokia N-Cuff?'.. simply so does the reading devices which first come out by Sony in 2004,make large step by Amazon'south Kindle in 2007...the ebook applications on every device.

New books and series come up after that, and still on, making super sales, attracting more readers... more writers come up with more books and novels, some are just a rip off others and some are really original and brilliant. in UK, US , Egypt ..everywhere all over the earth..

No matter a Playstation 4 is out, or new Xbox, the Books still there...with its most beloved magic..

The magic of books is back and , I believe, to stay..

Don't you run into with me that the magic of Harry Potter is one of the chief factors of this magic?

"This male child will be famous. At that place won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name"

That'due south what Rowling wrote at the very early pages of her start book.. The one that rejected by 12 Publishing Houses in 1996..

Well, what about now?

God, Talked too much in the "Cursory" introduction , didn't I?

Well, that's it for this review... I estimate some notwithstanding think it's just the Propaganda that made that all....
Well I'll try to prove them incorrect by the upcoming adjacent 6 reviews at the other 6 Books of the series..
Links will exist here as soon as information technology'd done ..

Merely for The Commencement one... sorry to add one more , but 20000 characters aren't enough.

The Ultimate Review of Volume I

Now I'll be back to become around Hogwarts...

For the Zillionth time I guess..
Hope to see you there likewise, come on and try beginning year :)

From Hogwarts

Mohammed Arabey
The Craziest Potterhead of Egypt

Re-reading the new edition -Guess I'm addicted to new editions Only this one actually rocks.."Bloomsbury-2014"
from 12 Sep. 2014
to 23 Sep. 2014

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